
Ajitray founded Aftermath Consulting Services. He is the principal practitioner who will be engaged in your matters. Ajitray is experienced in supporting and enabling people in their business, career, personal, family and inner, spiritual matters.

He has depth and breadth of experience in Western society life as well as ancient Vedic knowledge and capabilities. He is also a certified master life coach.

Ajitray’s teachers and guides imparted ancient knowledge and the approaches to apply them in unique situations.

Ajitray has been consulting and coaching individuals and businesses to make personal, spiritual and business corrections for over thirty years using his highly developed intuitive capabilities.

Ajitray’s clients report that they came to him in times of business or personal chaos and despair.

These clients praised Ajitray’s approaches and welcomed renewal where they had previously struggled and feared there was no way out.

When crisis does arise, chaos may take over, and many traditional means or disciplines often do not produce results rapidly enough. Clients who came to Ajitray valued his strategic ability which helped them to realize their crisis and enabled them to create actions and success.

A unique set of experienced eyes will help you from outside your situation. This is what Ajitray’s clients value in support of their success.

When you need rapid access to a unique and unconventional approach, Aftermath Consulting Services helps you get your arms around the chaos and focus, especially if you are dealing with multiple crisis situations at once.

Ajitray’s clients value the transformation and often choose to benefit from ongoing consultation.

Certified Master Life Coach

Recover. Restore. Renew.

